
I am not a fan of the Hemp-derived products on the cannabis market. It is hard enough for the state governments to monitor cannabis products; I can’t imagine how difficult it is for the federal government to monitor hemp-derived products.
We do not carry hemp-derived products at Gotham; we carry products grown by farmers in New York State. Hemp-derived products can be sold and shipped across the country, so the business model for these brands is entirely different from what sells in a dispensary.
Hemp is an eco-friendly, sustainable plant that has become the foundation for many products, even construction materials.
Most people need help understanding what you buy in your dispensary vs. online. It will be interesting to see what the federal government decides about hemp-derived products and whether they should be legal or not. Being able to ship these products anywhere, to anyone, competes against the states desires to build their dispensary businesses.
California might be the state to look to on what happens to the hemp-derived products being sold. At the end of the day, all of this will be decided in the courts.