What Happened?

My siblings and I are quasi-political junkies. They were both poli-sci majors, and we grew up around a table that discussed politics, and we did the same thing with our children when they grew up. Understanding how our system works is essential whether you pay close attention or not.

I woke up to a text from my brother that summed up why Kamala lost. Here is what he said, and a bit of extra from me.

 I’m so upset by the election results, but I wish I could say I was surprised. I tried to convince myself that Americans would come to their senses and realize what a lying incompetent buffoon Trump is. Deep down I believe they know but just don’t care. Not because I lack faith in America, which I actually do, but because ironically it’s not about him. He thinks it is. And the Democrats want it to also to be about him but it isn’t. This result is a culmination of failure in Democratic strongholds and polices.

In the cities with the largest populations that always supported the left they have seen the wealthiest continue to thrive. Their real estate holdings go up in value. Their kids get educated at elite private schools. Their investment realizing double digit gains. The great recession was a boon. They came out stronger. In the meantime, the working class, the ones they claim to fight for who do the dirty work of these bastions of blue cities have seen their cost of living increase, their schools decline in quality and safety, homeless take over their streets and their taxes rise while their services decline. Between AI and climate change, their future is not bright. And they Democrats still want their support, for what reason? Because they aren’t “them”. That’s not a good enough answer. We can complain it’s the system. They could do more but Republicans are obstructionists. Bullshit.

Has Biden governed well? No, he’s governed the same, which is not nearly good enough. This is why many Latino people moved to Trump. Why black people don’t even bother to show up at the polls. Why young people don’t feel their votes matter. And certainly the fucked up mess our media has become only perpetrates this mess. The only good news is now those MAGA fuckers own it. They too will end up with a series of unfilled promises that they tried to spin is a success. As dumb as the American public is they know what their lives aren’t getting better and it won’t under Trump. They’ll get their comeuppance too that even blame and grievance won’t cure although they are better playing victim than the Dems. For the Dems, they’ll lick their wounds. Blame Biden. Blame Kamala. Blame dumb white people. Blame their base for not showing up. But they need to look in the mirror. Start doing right by the people that need them the most in the places they still control. Start governing. Start making a difference for those that need it the most. Stop being shills for the powerful and pretending you’re not.

The divide between the 1% and the rest is not only financial but culture, and ultimately, this opens the doors for populist demigods. We are just repeating history.

Our daughter made a poignant comment, too. The Dems did not pay attention. They should have gotten behind Bernie, who won over the working class because he got it. He saw what was happening in our country. He was the Democratic Trump, where the party decided to protect the status quo instead. She is 100% correct.

The biggest joke of it all is that the Republicans are not the party of the Everyperson, and most of us know that they don’t give a shit about the Everyperson. I could rant on and on about how the Dems have not supported every person, starting with public housing, but I will refrain.

Today, I tossed the paper aside except for the arts and style section and went directly to the crossword. I will need lots of time to mourn. I do not want to crawl into a hole and not pay attention, but I might have to for a while. If you read history books, and it appears many don’t, we will get through this, too. I may need to go back and read those books to find out what the next chapter is.