Where Did Trust Go?

Trust as a belief is defined as a firm belief in someone or something’s character, ability, strength, or truth and the hope that it creates a relationship of mutual trust.
Who do you trust? There are levels of trust. Some people you would trust with your life, while others you wouldn’t trust on a restaurant recco. That is the trust among humans. There is a different trust when it comes to the government and enormous companies. That trust appears to be at an all-time low.
American seems to be awash in a veil of anxiety that makes us not trust anyone or anything. A heightened awareness of fear makes everyone put up thin walls. There are countless places and rocks to crawl under to see how we got to this place, but more importantly, how do we roll that back?
I am going to try really hard not to be a media hound over the next four years. I can’t do it to myself. I want to believe that this to will pass, and I hope that many think about how do we unwind this mess? It is not technology. Maybe technology created a lot of this. We need to have more interactions with people to trust again. We need to make some massive shifts between the have and have-nots, it is so ugly.
I am an eternal optimist, I always have two feet on the gas, I want to trust again, particularly when it comes to government and huge companies. We need to let the reigns go for more innovation and competition. Government needs to care and realize that our healthcare system does not work, the banking system doesn’t work except for the rich, there is not enough affordable housing in urban and suburban areas, our transportation systems are abysmal, we need to put money back into the country but unfortunately that won’t be happening in the next four years but we can hope.