taking a deep breath
Recharging your batteries and keeping expectations low, to me, are two important keys to life.
I expected the first part of my summer to be simple. Time to reflect on the past and think about the future. Lots of time to spend by myself. Not that I don't spend plenty of time by myself but I spend it doing and working not cleansing. Very different. Alas, the summer did not turn out to be like that but that is fine. Keep expectations low and you won't be disappointed and perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised.
The pleasant surprise was the amount of time I got to spend with Josh which was fantastic. Fred spent the majority of the summer with us too which wasn't expected either and great. Ended up being a family vacation which is not so easy as the kids get older. I'd be happy to have each of them bring a friend along. Makes for happier kids.
Everyone is at the age where they are basically independent and capable of getting around and owning their own life. So, I am taking the last weeks of August to recharge my batteries. The first few days back, I spent getting stuff done. So much done that at times I surprise myself how much I can get done in a day. I had coffee on Monday with a start-up. Fred put us together. When I told them the variety of things I am involved with, I could see that they were a tad freaked. But the truth is, that is how I am hard-wired. I am able to juggle a million things at once. Have my fingers in lots of pies. It is what charges my batteries.
I am really looking forward to September which I consider the beginning of the year. I am so lucky to get to meet and work with super smart interesting people everyday. Hoping to spend the next couple of weeks recharging the batteries, cooking and baking a lot at home, reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the next year, hanging with the kids, reading more books, seeing friends, working out and basically just chilling.
Comments (Archived):
wishing you a happy rest of the summer with fully recharged batteries. like you, i like to have new school supplies and my pencils sharpened right after Labor Day.
School schedules define the beginning of a new year. January 1 is just aholiday.
Thought that post college the year wouldn’t be defined by school schedules anymore. Unfortunately marrying a teacher changes that!
Your observations of London this summer are spot on. I would add that the growing bike culture for getting around the city and the street fashion in the East End and North in Camden was pretty cool. Glad we got to share a bit of it together. Welcome home.
The bikes are great. So glad to see the growing population of bicycles incities everywhere.
Another wonderful post, it is lovely to hear from you now that you are “back”.
It is fantastic to be back.
We miss taking all the kids on vacation once a year. It was easier when they were younger and now the older boys want to work during the summer to earn money for school. Son number 2 goes off to college tomorrow as a freshman, so for the next few weeks we will be to adjusting to having just one at home. It feels weird.
It is weird. Its good but its weird.