the winds are shifting
Summer is at an end and tomorrow I will return to life for lack of a better word. This summer has been incredibly cathartic and I am grateful for that.
I have written many times about balance and identity and have come to realize that the search is constant, endless and always changing. For me, that is a good thing. I am entering a new phase, two kids in college, and one kid still in the nest. It is definitely bittersweet but more than ever it is rewarding to see our kids become engaged confident independent adults. Truly makes my heart sing.
What is this year going to look like? I will continue blogging because I love the energy of the community that reads the blog and I enjoy the daily process. I am continuing to invest in start-up companies particularly women-led as there are so many amazing women entrepreneurs out there that I want to see hit a home run out of the ballpark. I am starting to put together the Womens Entrepreneur Festival panels for this year. Hoping to get on that and lock it up in the next two weeks. The event will take place on January 17/18th. We are very excited about this year. More panels, more people and Arianna Huffington has agreed to be our keynote so all good. The panels will be Education, Healthcare, Disruptive Stuff for Women (only), Finance, The Makers and Arts/Entertainment.
I have turned a few things down this year as I realized that I was stretched too thin. That alone is a growth experience. I have decided to take Tuesday as my day to do nothing connected to business but instead focus on a day with friends be it seeing a museum, having lunch, doing a little shopping, or whatever it is. Could be as simple as spending the day cleaning a closet but it will be a day to chill. I didn't sit down last year and at this point in my life it just isn't healthy.
I have a few real estate projects brewing which I am going to be engaged and excited about. Doing a little bit of traveling too.
Botton line, I am liking my post-summer state of mind and I want to try to keep that clean focused relaxing vibe I have going….at least give it the good old college try.
Comments (Archived):
Glad you had a good summer.If you find yourself in SoHo with an open lunch slot on a given Tuesday let me know. My treat.All the best.
you are on.
I loved watching (and reading about) your transition the past few years. Good luck with all of your new enterprises.
thanks don…ever changing.
My friend calls her day, “Self-Care Friday”because the description of “do nothing” didn’t frame it.She has an easier time communicating her intention with herself, family and friends when it’s “self care”
i like that.
Nice to step back and take stock. :)(And I hope you have London on that travel itinerary!)
For me, balance and identity is also about dealing with loss. Losing a parent, empty nest, growing older etc.. Not easy transitions. So glad you took time for yourself and learned to say no. Reminds me, i need to do the same.
i am one that literally just moves forward without much thought. it has worked well for me. transitions have always been something i have embraced as a new journey. a loss of a parent is a totally different transition, or a loss of anyone you are connected to. for that, i am trying to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment more as that goes under one of my favorite headings….carpe diem.
Hi Joanne, I recently discovered your blog and I have to say that I just love what you’re doing. Especially for women. Can’t wait to hear more about the Festival you’re organizing and your passion for helping women entreprenuers. Hope to follow in your footsteps someday.
Thanks so much