what would it be like if women ran the world?
Last night I had dinner with a small group of really interesting women. Most of them come out of the finance world. It was absolutely fascinating to hear their stories in regards to how difficult it was to climb up the corporate ladder, how women were treated vs men, how women treated women, how they looked at things differently, etc. For me, it confirmed that women climbing up the ladder, no matter what field they are in, is not an easy hurdle.
The question that was asked last night was "what if women were the ones running the largest corporations over the last century, would things be different"? I don't know the answer but it certainly makes you think. Women process information completely different than men. Men tend to take more risks and jump in feet first without giving anything as much thought as a woman does. How would that be for corporate America?
Personally I am a big believer of a mix of both men and women in senior management. The combination of brains makes for a much more successful enterperprise….and the statistics, data and research proves that to be the case.
I just finished reading 11/22/63, Stephen Kings book. The story revolves around a portal that takes the main character from 2011 to 1963. He can spend four years in 1963 but when he returns to 2011 only two minutes have passed. He goes back to change history, 11/22/63 is the day that JFK was shot. What would happen if he never got shot, would the world be a different place? There is no doubt that it would be but for better or for worse?
So, as we bounced this concept around last night I kept thinking about the book. I absolutely believe getting more women to run companies is better for the economy, families, community and just everything. Would it have made a difference if men stayed home all these years and women went to work? Not sure it is physically possible as women as the only ones who can actually have the babies but maybe they could have just had the kids and left them home with the men. Women might not have ruled the world in the past but perhaps we will be in the future. If anything, the conversation just gives interesting food for thought. On a side note, we actually do rule the world but perhaps not from a corporate seat.
Comments (Archived):
Behind every successful man is a woman.Behind every unsuccessful one.. there are two..;-)
I recently bumped into a theory called the Diversity Prediction Theorem, which states something like a group’s collective ability is equal to the average ability of each member plus the diversity of the group. In other words, a leadership team of all white men will almost always be less effective than a more diverse team because they’re missing half the equation.
that makes absolute sense.
I have a few vehement beliefs.One is that we need to educated Africa, the continent I reside in, through screens of any sort and bandwidth. Our continent has 3 pipes feeding bandwidth to us, a couple are being built but we are lagging behind.The other belief is that if woman ruled the world if would a dream come true for me. Statistics of harsh crime in Africa such as rape, hijacking, murder and so on is highly fueled by men. Men have a tendency to use violence and aggression. Possibly due to testosterone and ego. I also bring Love into it. A woman births a human and the love for that child is uncompromising. For about 15 years now whenever I have time for a conversation with someone I always propose the dream I have of woman ruling the world. I think in politics woman would prefer to talk than pick up a gun, drop a bomb or resort to violence. I know in context you drove this more towards business. In Africa, and possibly other places, violence in many forms is driven mostly by men. And its sad and hectic. I dream of woman rising to power to show the world that peaceful resolutions can be derived through non-agressive means. I always tell people in this discussion I am generalizing but I can bring fact into it to substantiate a lot of this argument.Thanks for letting me talk more about this topice, through the top of your blog that I saw @bfeld I guess I should check in more regularly. Do so daily on avc but daily is very tough for me.
what is happening in africa is beyond disturbing. there is no regard for a woman’s rights or her body. if only a woman ruled that world.
It’s almost a decade now I have been planning a no holds bar rape documentary. Literally get it out there properly in the open. Just so we can at least make people aware. Like how Michael Moore achieves awareness through his documentary. I will get it done one day it’s a dream I have not stopped wanted to make happen.
raise your money on kickstarter!
Thanks, I am sure you must know how much I love kickstarter.Money not the only issue right now, tons of research and time to do it right.South Africa’s rape statistics are insanely absurd. The numbers are so hard to even comprehend.I would want to do it 100% properly. Interview the people committing the crimes, in jails, understand the culture of this crime and why its just so damn prevalent in South Africa. Why we are known as the rape capital of the world.To put it out there for the world to see. And to be done in the most truly impacting way.Thanks for listening.
In the spirit of Dr.King’s birthday, may I broaden the context a bit for conversational purposes Joanne? I could envision myself at your table – telling gender-war stories. But this is one of those discussion topics that is more abstract in the privilege of the US and “in-action” in developing countries. We have an inspiring friend – Dr. Karambu Ringera – in Meru, Kenya who is leading a movement that integrates self-sufficiency (women entrepreneurs) with active peacemaking (helping mothers with AIDs find homes and education for their children before they die). Kenya is a volatile place – patriarchal and at times, violent. Karambu bravely ran for national office a couple of years ago and faced threats to her own life, and the lives of her family. Yet, she is making REAL change by pursuing “female” strategies (e.g. international collaboration; cross-cultural cooperation; family-focused and community initiatives; etc.) Women don’t have to be in traditional power positions to make a difference, they can (and do!) create sub-cultures that influence the young, transform communities and subvert destructive power structures. This is truly be-the-change in action – accessible to all of us.(PS If you are interested in reading more about Karambu’s organization: http://www.ipeacei.org/)
you are so right. hence why the grameen foundation’s success was with women, not men.
Joanne – it would be just as bad as when only men run things, just different.
A must read: “The Alphabet Vs The Goddess” by Leonard Shlain. In it, he argues that literacy reinforced the brain’s linear, abstract, predominantly masculine left hemisphere at the expense of the holistic, iconic feminine right one. This shift upset the balance between men and women initiating the disappearance of goddesses, the abhorrence of images, and, in literacy’s early stages, the decline of women’s political status. Patriarchy and misogyny followed.In other words, women used to rule the world!