Women Entrepreneur of the Week
I started writing about women entrepreneurs every Monday a few months before the first Womens Entrepreneur Festival. I figured if we were going to put on a festival celebrating women entrepreneurs than I should celebrate them every single week. That celebration has been going on for almost 3 years.
Tuesday is the kick-off of the third Womens Entrepreneur Festival. This year it is being Live Streamed and I am very excited about that. Huffington Post is our generous sponsor and that is how we are able to live stream the event.
Over the last 5 years I have really tried to be conscious of investing in women. There are a few investments in the pipeline and when I close on them 70% of the investments in the Gotham Gal portfolio will be women led or a women who is one of the co-founders. I am pretty sure that nobody else can hang their hat on that.
People ask me all the time, which one is your favorite investment or which one do you think is going to do the best. The answer is I love them all and I firmly believe that all of them will have some kind of positive outcome. I am probably wearing some serious rose colored glasses on that one but I can't help myself.
Since today is usually the post I write about a woman entrepreneur, I am going to write about how lucky I am to meet and invest in these women (men too but this post is about the women) They are the women that are changing the world one business at a time. They are the women that have entrepreneur in their blood. They are the women who never give up. They are the women who ask for advice, listen to feedback, call on me frequently, cry on my shoulder and make tough decisions daily. I am honored to be part of their businesses. Like an entrepreneur I think about all of them all the time. It is my nature.
I am looking forward to the week ahead and another year of Women Entrepreneur of the Week posts.
Comments (Archived):
.Choosing amongst your investments is like being asked — “Which of your children do you love the best?”.
I doubt anyone else can hang their hat on that kind of track record. Thank you for helping to change the landscape everywhere for women entrepreneurs. I am currently raising funds as part of an acquisition, and I can attest that even here in the Southwest, the perception of women entrepreneurs by many local VC’s has changed from what I encountered when I founded my company a little over three years ago. I am so excited about attending this year’s festival and looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the women there!
so glad you are coming!
Yes, we should support each other!! Thank you for making a conscious effort of doing it. Actions always speaks louder than words.
Right on. To paraphrase Seth Godin: religion is the rules you follow; faith is the action you take.
Your support of women entrepreneurs and NYC is inspiring, Joanne. Can hardly wait for WE3!
…and for those that want to catch up on this awesome series and effort there are about 107 information packed posts to read through -> http://gawk.it/rw
Very cool! Look forward to the Monday highlights.