Equal Pay is about being fair.

At what point do children just accept that the equality they believe in is ok not to exist.  To turn a blind eye to how the world seems to unfairly work.  We can learn a lot from this short three-minute video.  The world would be a lot better off if we kept to our inner child’s sense of equality and made sure that it continued all the way through every aspect of our adult life.

Comments (Archived):

  1. Guest

    This lie has bee debunked countless times — stop perpetuating it. Were it true, the unemployment rate would be much higher for men than women as companies could get the same output and skill set for 23% lower cost. Perhaps it’s best to not use kids as props to perpetuate leftist claptrap that is utter BS?https://www.forbes.com/site

    1. Gotham Gal

      Everyone has to work regardless of equal pay.

      1. Guest

        Yes, people need to work and it’s great that you support people going out there and being productive. I’d caution you and others against perpetuating this notion that women are being ripped off in the workforce; it’s simply not true. Perpetuation of this lie will do more harm than good (besides the fact that it’s categorically false).

  2. jason wright

    what does the empirical data say about the idea that there’s a gender pay gap? where’s the evidence either way on this subject?do you favour Universal Human Income (also know as Universal Basic Income) as a start?

    1. Gotham Gal

      I do favor universal basic income

    2. Guest

      The gender pay gap is a bald-faced lie when the proper corrections (field of study, work experience, hours worked, etc.) are applied. The politicians who spew it know it’s a lie and do so b/c they know America has no shortage of idiots.

      1. lauraglu

        This simply isn’t true. The gap is less when corrected, but there is still an unexplained gap. And it is even larger for women of color. Look it up.

        1. jason wright

          How would you begin to try to explain the unexplained gap?

      2. jason wright

        Lies, damned lies, and statistics.Hierarchies, and their alphabet soup of role titles, seem to play a key role in setting pay disparities in organisations. Perhaps hierarchies need to be flattened.There’s a way forward. Follow the Scandinavian socio economic model.

  3. LE

    Look the story is that most people (men, women, short, tall, thin, fat, minorities) will pay for the mistakes and actions of the collective group. As such even though one particular person doesn’t fit the group others have already set the pattern and expected behavior.As an anecdote my wife was given a job opportunity with a promotion. She said she would do the job but wanted more pay. They said ‘no dice’. [1] They then hired a man and sure enough he got more pay (iirc roughly 10%). (Could have been for multiple reasons of course). But that said they did that in part because (to your point) they are not thinking they have to pay a woman more. Because women (in the past) have tended to not be as aggressive as men and perhaps more accepting. Need to point out very clearly in case it is not obvious that you (Joanne) are an atypical woman in that respect. And you know that. You know very well that you roll differently (and more aggressively to your credit) than many other women. [2] My ex wife was (my pay story is my current wife) is not you, but she rolled more aggressively as well. She pursued me which honestly is atypical for a woman (she hoped into the front seat of my car and completely blocked another girl who was on the same trip both were friends of my sister who set up the trip).Look people are always going to be paying for mistakes of the collective group. That is at least one reason for unions even. There will always be someone who doesn’t do what is in the others interest. If all women banded together (logistically won’t happen) this wouldn’t be an issue.[1] And what else? They were insulted that she even broached that subject. That’s right insulted.[2] My mom and my current wife never speak up and complain. To me it’s a sport ‘give me a better table; I am not happy the chicken was not done right’. I was taken to task by a former girlfriend once because I didn’t speak to the waiter the right way (I didn’t care). But I am sure you probably demand good service just like I do. But that is not typical and impacts people’s perceptions of what they can ‘get away with’ with women. Vs. men.

  4. PhilipSugar

    You know who perpetuates unequal pay?HR departments at big companies. Yes I have come to believe they should be called talent and culture T&CBut their policies definitely perpetuate it, which is ironic.Not just for women but yes for women.Let’s take gender out of it for a moment.Let’s take a true story.I hire a guy out of a rural area. He wants to move. Well he is not getting paid that much it’s rural. So you put together a package and he comes to work. Now you go to hire more people and he is doing great. Well you find that to get those new people you need to pay them x% more than him. But they have the same skills. He has proved himself. A typical HR department will say no, we do not do out of cycle raises, no raises can’t be more than y% even in cycle. I have taken a pay cut. Yes a cut, to fund that. (It’s in my best interest, working with great people or not makes a huge difference in my happiness, because anybody that finds out they are not being paid fairly owes it to themselves and their family to leave)So now put gender back into it. Yup.People say you shouldn’t be able to ask about previous pay. I don’t agree. But if you have any sense of right and just you pay people according to what they are doing and relative to what you pay other’s around them. That is a core belief. One of my principles. It’s not just right and just. You know they will find out. It is in our handbook that you sign you don’t share salary, but you operate under the principle that if people did they wouldn’t say WTF!

    1. Gotham Gal


  5. Dan T

    I saw this video a few days ago and it really bothered me. Still not sure exactly how to explain why.My Daughter is a sophomore in college, just turned 20. Doing great. Very ambitious. Started getting great internships on her own starting after her sophomore year in college. She is the most ambitious of my 4 kids (all the others boys)What I have told her is:She is lucky to have been born in a time and place that affords greater opportunities for women than any other place or time in history and that the women before her had it way tougher, so be thankful. But it’s still gonna be hard. Life’s not fair. Do your best.Everyone on this planet is born with certain strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages – but I hate videos like this. Maybe because it seems like they are excuse generators, breed victims . . not really sure.My parents just told me I could be/do whatever I wanted . . . if they would have focused on my potential disadvantages: immigrant parent, neither parent or any relative had ever gone to college, rampant alcoholism on my father’s side, growing up as a child of a broken marriage, etc., maybe I would have just thrown the towel in . . . I think that happened with some of my cousins – followed the family tradition.My parents kept reminding us we were smart, loved and supported – and could do anything. All that other crap . . .was just our crap we had to beat. .everyone has their own special crap. They did not use these words, but this is what I heard. No excuses, you’re not a victim. You can win.

    1. Gotham Gal

      as you should tell all your children. you can be and do whatever you want to be.

  6. Pointsandfigures

    https://dailycaller.com/201… an aside, New SCOTUS justice Brett Kavanaugh just hired a very diverse group of people to clerk for him. Oh, and he is the first to hire ONLY female clerks.