Diversity Is Always Better

There are abundant articles of changes taking place in our country, particularly around diversity. We have crossed the divide where the White population is receding and the Black, Latino, and Asian population is growing. There are still multiple challenges for many, such as buying a home, taking out a loan, not being treated fairly, and the list goes on, but we will be much better off with more diversity.

The benefits of diversity are endless. The most important thing is seeing the world through someone else’s eyes. Sitting around a table, walking through a neighborhood, or entering a store with a myriad of faces is so much better than living in a one-dimensional universe. If we can embrace different people, agree to disagree, and not judge someone differently from how we look, how we think, or how we approach things, the world would be a better place.

The data around diverse companies show more creativity and drive that turns into a better and profitable workplace. The numbers were always pointing there, but with Covid, the issues of racial disparity opened pandora’s box, and thankfully we are never going back.

Nasdaq won’t let companies go public without diverse boards. Some cities are making amends for past wrongs. Banks are making sure they finally give out fair loans to Black people who have had an entirely different set of covenants than White people. It is about time.

We are rapidly moving towards these changes, and it is about time. Diversity is always better.