Bloc Party
Bloc Party played at Roseland Ballroom this past Friday night. They rocked. I have absolutely become too old to stand up on the floor among the young kids and cheer their new favorite band on. We were lucky to score a few seats to watch from above. Thanks to my devoted husband. His desire to go see them was huge and he knew that I needed the seat above. It was perfect. Jessica, our 14 year old, mashed down below with her pals. Perfect.
There is absolutely nothing better than seeing a young band starting to tour for the first time. They are so excited to be on stage. You know every song because they only put out one album/cd out. They are still raw.
The band is classic British. The lead singer is adorable and has a great voice. He couldn’t be happier up on stage. Check out their album, Silent Alarm. There is also a remix album on the same songs.