First day in Paris
First thing I did this morning was order a doctor for Josh. Josh has been complaining about a sore throat. Started about a week before we left. But Josh, like his father, is a bit of a hypochondriac. I have definitely let Josh stay home when not necessary and taken him to the doctor to find out nothing was wrong. So, this time I went with the same hunch. Wrong. Doctor came and he has tonsillitis and possibly strep. Fantastic. They love meds in Europe so Josh is in taking 3 meds…one being a Z pack which I am a big fan of. Jess and I have both gone through one each during this trip. Kicked whatever we had right out of our system. I hate when you go to the doctor and they say it is viral. Just give me a Z pack…how bad can a serious amount of antibiotics running through your system when you have a virus be?
Fred and I had a day to ourselves. Emily and Josh went for breakfast and a day in the Marais. Jess had her own day planned and so it was just us. We started out at the Jeu de Paume. An interesting exhibit on the photographer Lee Miller. Then we hopped on the metro and went over to Fred's favorite lunch place, Cuisine de Bar. Owned and next to Pollaine bakery. Love this place. The kitchen is six open toasters (tiny broilers) and an espresso machine. Lunch is one of the sandwiches (open-faced) which comes with a small salad. Grainy mustard dressing with greens and a handful of dark pinto beans. The sandwiches range from jambon to tuna fish to roasted tomatoes with goat cheese on, of course, on a slice of toasted Pollaine bread. Delicious.
Next we went back to where we were staying, picked up a book. Running low on the reading supply and then and met up with Jessica. She was making her way around Palais Royale. Fred soon cut out and we ended up at Colette. Colette has gone through a renovation since this summer. Didn't love what they did. There was something incredibly sophisticated and omigod about Collete which is missing now. They still have an incredible selection of merchandise but there are many things I have seen other places and they aren't looking as fresh as they did the first time around.
Back to the hotel for a little R and R before heading out for the night. BTW, freezing in Paris.