Last day in Ljubljana
First thing this morning we walked down to the 3 bridges to meet our local tour guides (Zemanta crew).
The 3 bridges in the middle of the town where all 3 small bridges connect. This area and down the water ways which connect to this do not allow cars which is great.
After hearing the military band play in the square we wandered over to the food markets. Except for the fishmongers, underground, most of the market takes place in a fairly large open square. Very organized as the stalls are broken out by region. Besides the fruits and veggies there are baskets and other local wares for sale.
This particular picture was the fruit area. The bees were everywhere. Not sure who would want to even attempt to take a bite of this beautiful tray of tasty watermelon.
The market sits right underneath the tram up to the castle. We went up there, walked the steps up to the tower to take in the views. Very modern tram. You can actually see the alps in the background from up there.
Once we made our way down, we wandered through the old town which reminds me of the meandering alleyways through Rome. I particularly like the red carpet.
At this point, food was essential so we stopped at an open cafe, as there are many, and a nice leisurely lunch.
Fred, Josh and I then went back to our hotel to get our car and drove down to Portorozo on the coast.
Comments (Archived):
So that’s where all the bees have gone. Who knew? )))
Love the shot of the bees, i bet that’ll make for good honey :)I have officially added Slovenia to the short list for the next European vacation, hope you guys had a blast!
Having quite the adventure here. My youngest (almost 2) cracked her noggin just before bed and had to get stitches in the main town (an hour drive each way). We didn’t get home until well after midnight, but it went very well given the situation. The bees are everywhere here, too, and the next day, at breakfast, she got stung just under the eye.The next day, after a long boat ride where she overheated, we accidentally clicked her leg in the stroller buckle. Sheesh. Poor child.
Have you been down to the beach area of Portoroz? Your kids would love it!How is the health care system…did you just walk in and that was it?