Downtown Potluck
For me, I love the involvement of food when it comes to family, friends and frankly just life. Years ago annual cookbooks were just an accumulation of recipes from communities. I have a few. That ritual seems like one of the past. Our kids school where potlucks pretty much happen at every event over the course of the year just published A Community Cookbook from Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School called Downtown Potluck. I love the name!
This book truly represents the community my kids have grown up in and we have become part of. It is an eclectic group of diverse people that bring their traditional recipes to each potluck. I have had Moroccan, Egyptian, Indian, Israeli, Italian, Spanish, African and Chinese food at one event from appetizers to dessert. All home made and all delicious. A melting pot of spices and people.
Our school has had a partnership with the food pantry at St. John the Baptist Church for many years. St. John the Baptist Church provides meals for more than 30,000 people a year. Each of our kids have worked the pantry. So in LREI spirit and in continuation of our support we will share the proceeds of this book with them.
As we find ourselves in a fast moving tech oriented world it is nice to see a cookbook like this come out which is about community and getting back to the basics. Click here and buy the book. You get a great cookbook and your money goes not only to St. John the Baptist food pantry but Little Red Elisabeth Irwin where 25% of their operating income goes directly to providing financial aid for the community of students that attend the school. That alone is something that truly makes LREI a special place.
Comments (Archived):
I just placed my order. I’m so excited to get this. I’m going to give it as a gift to someone I know will absolutely love it (And who is a much better cook than me). This is a win-win-win situation. I love the cover illustration and the title as well. Thanks for sharing.
I’m going to order one. I love these community cookbooks and still actually use my Weber Eagle Elementary cookbook from time to time (I’m 30). These cookbooks bring an amazing assortment of family’s favorite recipes, which I love.
Excellent. I think you will be thrilled with ur purchase