10 Years of Hot Bread Kitchen

The last few months I have seen so many films, read so many articles and heard so many stories around immigration, migration and refugees. Many of these stories are heartbreaking. The challenges that so many people across the globe face right now are vast. I can’t help but wonder how I would deal in any of their circumstances. The human will to survive is powerful.
I was the first Chairperson of Hot Bread Kitchen. An organization near and dear to my heart. The women who have gone through the program, bake the breads for the organization have all come from other countries. They are immigrants and their children are first generation Americans.
There is a strong community of people at HBK. Many of these women would not have the opportunity to work in the countries that they came from. But at HBK they not only bake, work, learn English and business skills, they are role models for their children who have come to the US for a better life. Those kids look up to their mother’s who go to work every day, bake bread and bring home income.
Although the products are delicious, it is the long tail impact of these women’s families and the neighborhoods they go back to that inspire me.
I am delighted to Chair this 10 year Anniversary with Diana Taylor, the second board chair. I know both Diana and I care deeply about making a difference in people’s lives. We have both been insanely fortunate and giving back is something we both believe is essential with the hope that we can make a difference in all of these women’s lives.
If you are inspired, feel free to donate, come to the event, buy a table or just buy some bread. The event is on April 30th and tickets go on sale later this month.
Comments (Archived):
A great org by design and by results.Well done to you for being involved so early.Makes a difference.
Love everything about this program! And, was a very interesting GG podcast about the Founder. Put the benefit on the calendar.
Thanks Julie!
Thank you, Joanne. For all.