A Few Pre-Covid Experiences
Nothing like a few pre-Covid-like experiences to change the attitude before the surge.

Em (our roomie this month) and I went over to Dover Street to do a little bit of shopping. She noted that the store inspires. I totally agree. We waited outside until a sales person connected with us and took us throughout the store. As always we started at the top and made our way down. We each got some great items including some savory condiments at the Rose Cafe. Our masks were always on, there are very few people in the store, and the whole experience just felt good. We both walked out with a bounce in our step.

The other experience was going to the New Museum. We got tickets for the first open slot on Sunday morning. The Jordan Casteel installation is really worth seeing. Her paintings are of strangers. She asks if she can take photos of them and then use the photo to paint them.

There is an intimacy to the paintings that I really like. They could be someone down the street or at a local spot. They represent community and are like members of her family.

Having an entire room to myself with Emily and Fred is also an incredible experience that rarely happens in NYC.

The other exhibit we saw is Jessica Wilson. One is called Smile Driver that follows childlike figures doing seemingly regular every day things with an underlying connection to the digital age. There are 3 pieces in her show.

There are another two other installations that are connected to each other. A four story segment called Not Normally At Rest. Created during the beginning of COVID, she uses electrical outlets to have conversations with each other that hones in on their experiences and anxieties.

Seeing Jessica’s work in a museum was definitely the highlight of the week.