How Did We Get Here?

As a rule, I am quite an optimist. I keep asking myself, how did we get here? I am dismayed, freaked, scared, shaking my head, and unsure what to do.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has announced plans to establish a state militia of trained civilians “unencumbered by the federal government.” Mr. DeSantis said the Florida State Guard, which would answer solely to him, would be a 200-strong civilian-based military unit to support emergency response efforts in the event of natural disasters and unspecified “other state emergencies.” Reading this scares the shit out of me.
Schools teaching kids how to cover themselves during gun shootings seem insane. How about changing the gun laws or teaching curriculums that help each other see danger coming before it gets there. This is essentially teaching kids to live in constant fear. Trauma?
I watched Lead Me Home, a forty-minute documentary on the Homeless in major US cities. There is an underbelly of communities in places like LA, SF, and Seattle, exactly like the Brazilian favelas resulting from unequal wealth distribution. It is a worthy watch. Most of these people want a room they can call their own. Unclear how we help these people get out of their rut. It is not for lack of hard work but lack of affordable housing. Many Americans live hand to mouth. When the hand stops, the roof disappears.
Seeing the conversation return to SRO’s in hotels, a disastrous mess in the NY ’80s, scares me. What did we learn, and can we make this work better this time? Why does every neighborhood protest housing in their neighborhood? NYCHA, New York City Housing Authority, houses 15% of NYers. Most of them are indeed the backbone of our city. Many homeless are, too, but that is not the story we are told.
Roe v Wade could be overturned. The majority of American’s don’t want to see this happen. Are we all just adrift trying to figure out where we are going? Why is the minority leading the way?
The guns in Congressman Massie of Kentucky Christmas card are so tone-deaf, am I? Do we have to return to the wild wild west where there was significant inequality to take us somewhere better?
All I know is I don’t think this will end well. History does repeat itself. Remember 1929?