The Highlights of Mexico City
We woke up the following day feeling relatively full, but we ushered on. The first stop was Mari Gold. A beautiful long narrow restaurant that opens up to a lit atrium with a table for the lucky patron. Another insanely good meal.
We all shared breakfast, but the killer was the chilaquiles. It might be the best chilaquiles we all had ever had. The papaya over yogurt, a bit of granola, and lots of lime juice we reordered three times, and the Kathi roll stuffed with lettuce, eggs, tamarind, and a green sauce is a close second to the chilaquiles.
Next on the agenda was a walk through the neighborhood, seeing galleries and shops. We returned to one of my favorite galleries in Mexico City, Gallerie de Arte Mexicano. It is the oldest gallery in the city. Two women opened the gallery in 1935 during a tumultuous time, and they needed to work. Great story. I love this piece. It is a female artist, and the shoes are made of broken beer glass. She says that beer bottles are like women; if you treat them right, it all goes well, but if you don’t, they break. The writing on the piece says essentially fuck the patriarchy.
One thing I would recommend if you are going to Mexico City is to hire a driver. Uber takes 15-20 minutes to show up and often cancels. It made our life much more accessible and allowed us to see more. Later in the day, we went out to Casa Pedregal. This house is so modern even though it was built in the early 1940s. You can not go to Mexico City without seeing some Luis Barragan. What a genius architect.
The strong move is to go to Tetetlan for lunch, located next door.
The evening activity was going to mint coins at Bright Moments, but later on, we were hankering a taco, so we stopped in at Tacos Onirico. After all, when in Mexico.
The following day we went to my other favorite gallery in Mexico City, Proyectos Monclova. We have bought some work there over the year, and their artist roster is fantastic.
My friend told me to check out AGO projects, great advice. They had a variety of artists, from furniture to ceramics—a very cool spot.
Lunch had to be at Entremar, the sister to Contramar, and just as good. Nobody makes this fish as the chef does.
We did a few other galleries and stores, and Rosetta and Lardo for pastries each morning, and they do have delicious coffee. We also went to San Angel Bazaar, which is only open on Saturday. A worthy journey; we all came back with bags of goodies.
All and all, a great jaunt, and we will continue to do the Mexico City jaunt again and again and again.