Luna Luna
In the summer of 1987, an Austrian artist, Andre Heller, created an artist concept in Hamburg, Germany. He brought together over 30 artists from across the globe to create an amusement park. Some artists were Keith Haring, David Hockney, Basquiat, Kenny Scharf, Roy Lichenstein, and Salvador Dali.
You could explore the magical world of an amusement park with rides and concepts created by some of the most whimsical artists in the world.
Instead of taking a global journey, the park closed at the show’s end. After years of litigation and the change of ownership, Luna Luna exited a Texas warehouse where 44 crates had been stored.
The first stop is in downtown LA, in a warehouse. We could see it before it closes or before this goes on the road.
Who found out about this, had the pieces restored, and re-created this event? Drake and his DreamCrew team. It’s quite an epic undertaking and worthy of all of our time.